Any shape

With the any shape and any size concept, you can design your rug to fit your room perfectly. 

A small selection of shapes for your inspiration

The Rug Creator

Design your own rugs

Our Rug Creator offers you easy access to a comprehensive overview of all your options. You can explore various collections, customise colours, shapes, and edgings, and design and visualise rugs in several settings and on different flooring materials. With our "any size any shape" concept, you have the freedom to design rugs that perfectly suit your project.
Try the Rug Creator

Edging options

Edging options
Edging options
Edging options

Complete the look of your rug with your choice of edging

You can create a distinct feature of your rug design by choosing one of four options: overlock, border, blind binding or simply cut.
See overview of all the options.

Need to know more?

Let's contact you

Are you planning a project, let us help you through the entire process, from idea to unique carpet solution.

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