Keeping precious resources
in the loop

We’re going in circles. On purpose. With a purpose

The days of discarding precious resources are long behind us. Today, we try to reuse, recirculate and recycle as much of our production waste as possible whilst constantly trying to improve our efforts. We recirculate the dye, the water and the thickening solution, which are used to find the perfect colour combinations for our carpets.

A strong commitment to bring down CO2 emissions

Climate change requires action from everyone around the world. Since 2007, we’ve already reduced the CO2 emissions from our production facilities by more than 60%. But we aim to go beyond this. Our short-term targets have been validated by the The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reduction targets in line with the latest climate science.
Learn more aobut our targets.


All materials are recirculated
All materials are recirculated
Materials and resources are recirculated in closed loops internally. CO2 emissions are reduced by 50,6%, mainly through switching from gas to electricity in the machinery.
We’re going in cirlces. On purpose. With a purpose

Innovation is essential to delivering more sustainable carpets

A circular production starts with innovative technology

We invest in the newest technologies for our production because innovation is essential to delivering more sustainable carpets. Whether we recirculate water, heat or dye it takes the newest and most advanced solutions to do it with the least possible waste of resources and without compromising the quality of our carpets.
Read more about circular innovation in our production

Explore our circular approach to sustainability

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