We’re passionate about creating a better future through sustainable innovation. When you choose an Ege CircleBack carpet, you bring beauty into your space and make a conscious environmental choice.

The program is already available in Europe, and we’re working hard to establish recycling solutions for all our international customers as well.

Ege CircleBack’s transparent and straightforward process makes choosing the sustainable option convenient and easy. We summarise this process in five simple steps.

Discover a world where sustainability and responsibility intertwine

  • 1. Choose your Ege CircleBack-labelled carpet

    When you purchase an Ege CircleBack carpet from one of our 10 wall-to-wall and rug collections, the carpet will bear two logos on the backing: R2R and CircleBack.

    These logos act as a reminder that the carpet is intentionally designed for recycling, aligning with Ege CircleBack’s mission of minimising waste by recycling and reusing your used carpet.

  • 2. Contact us to initiate Ege CircleBack at your carpet’s end-of-life

    When it's time to recycle your carpet, simply reach out to Ege Carpets. We'll guide you through the process, providing detailed instructions on how to dismantle the carpet and prepare it for collection. We'll also provide you with a list of our trusted freight partners. Activating the CircleBack program includes a small additional cost per m2.

  • 3. Your selected freight partner picks up your carpet

    Your selected freight partner collects the carpet directly from your location and transports it to our carpet recycling centre, where the carpet is recycled and later separated into different components. The freight cost is covered by you but keep in mind that you save the cost for sending the used carpet to the landfill or incineration.

  • 4. We shred, sort and transform your carpet into recyclable resources

    The advanced separation plant shreds the carpet into smaller pieces, which are sorted into different material components. The components are transformed into high-quality resources or utilised in other useful ways to create new products, contributing to a circular economy. For instance, the yarn fibres are reborn into new yarn.

  • 5. When your carpet is recycled, we calculate the CO2 reduction

    When we complete the carpet recycling process, we calculate the total CO2 reduction throughout the end-of-life journey. We then share this data with you, highlighting the positive environmental impact of your Ege CircleBack carpet.

    As part of Ege CircleBack, we offer you the option to receive a CircleBack certificate. This certificate is a formal acknowledgement of your commitment to sustainability.

Ege CircleBack will be offered for these collections

Want to know more? Contact one
of our Ege CircleBack solution experts
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