Yarn from old fishing nets, used carpets and industrial scraps
A sustainable world
Yarn from old fishing nets, used carpets and industrial scraps
Many collections are based on the regenerated and regenerable yarn made from old fishing nets, used carpets and other industrial waste. The nets are collected and cleaned before being reborn as strong yarn for carpets.
Backings made from used plastic bottles
Ecotrust felt backing Cradle to Cradle Certified®
Backings made from used plastic bottles
Our carpets are available with patented Ecotrust or acoustic backing made from used plastic bottles containing between 15-37 1/2-litre bottles per m² depending on the type of backing, we keep 43 million used bottles in circulation.

Reuse is the future

A carpet has more than 200 different components. Apart from yarn and felt, where we already use recycled materials, there are many other ingredients, including dye, glue and limestone.
We’re working hard to replace these with recycled materials. Our 2030 target is clear: 75% of raw materials must be recycled.


Our long term ambition
Our long term ambition
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