A new ground-breaking take-back concept 

In Europe, only 1-3% of carpets are recycled. The rest finds space in landfill sites or goes up in smoke. It’s time for a change. We’re proud to introduce Ege CircleBack, a ground-breaking take-back program that aims to minimise waste by recycling and reusing your used carpet.

You can choose a carpet from our most popular collections, each made from materials that we can take back and recycle again, significantly reducing your carpet’s carbon footprint. The program is already available in Europe, and we’re working hard to establish recycling solutions for all our international customers as well.

Reduce your carbon footprint
Reduce your carbon footprint
With Ege CircleBack, you can reduce your carpet’s end-of-life CO2 emissions by up to 60%.

Recycle up to 100% of your carpet

Recycle up to 100% of your carpet
Recycle up to 100% of your carpet
Ege CircleBack


We make all Ege CircleBack carpets from a unique combination of recyclable materials, allowing us to recycle 98-100% of the used carpet’s components.

At end-of-life, an advanced separation plant shreds the carpet into smaller pieces, which are sorted into different material components. The components are transformed into high-quality resources or utilised in other useful ways to create new products, contributing to a circular economy. For instance, the yarn fibres are reborn into new yarn of which some is turned into new carpet.

Ege CircleBack will be offered for these collections

Transform your carpet’s end-of-life into a new lease on life

The beauty of a never-ending story

The beauty of a never-ending story
The beauty of a never-ending story

How we recycle up to 100% of your carpet

Ege CircleBack’s transparent and straightforward process makes choosing the sustainable option convenient and easy. We summarise this process in five simple steps:

1. Choose your Ege CircleBack-labelled carpet.

2. Contact us to initiate Ege CircleBack at your carpet’s end-of-life.

3. Your selected freight partner picks up your carpet.

4. We shred, sort and transform your carpet into recyclable materials.

5. When your carpet is recycled, we calculate the CO2 reduction.
Learn more about how it works

Ege CircleBack is part of our sustainability circle

Ege CircleBack is part of our sustainability circle
We believe in circular thinking

Going in circles is the best way forward

We believe in circular thinking and keeping as many resources as possible in a closed loop. It’s an ongoing process, and we continually establish new goals and initiatives to achieve our long-term ambition: To create the world’s most sustainable carpets.
Our sustainability ambition


  • What’s in it for me?

    When you make use of Ege CircleBack, you contribute to keeping good material in circulation and reduce carbon emissions. This benefits the planet, as well as your project’s green profile.

    Once your carpet has gone through our CircleBack process, we’ll send you a certificate detailing the exact CO2 reduction, which you can use in your annual sustainability report.

    To solidify the environmental benefit of Ege CircleBack, we’ve made a life cycle impact assessment (LCiA) for the end-of-life stage of our carpets. The specific results vary a little from carpet to carpet, but no carpet shows less than a 60% reduction in the global warming potential, compared to if the carpet was incinerated after end of use.

  • What’s the cost of using Ege CircleBack?

    The cost of using Ege CircleBack is 1.35 EUR per square meter plus the transportation cost to our collection site in Denmark. Keep in mind that, you save the cost for sending your used carpet for local waste processing.

  • Can you help me dismantle the old carpet?

    We’re happy to help you get in contact with a professional who can dismantle the carpet. Please reach out to your local contact to get more information about Ege CircleBack.

    When dismantling your used carpet, it’s very important that nothing else than the stripped carpets is returned to us. The separation plant can’t handle other materials. Any separate underlay should also be removed, including materials such as, concrete, wood etc.

  • Are there any quality requirements to returned carpets?

    The quality of the carpet doesn’t matter, but the used carpet must be dismantled in app 35 cm strips and stacked in big bags on pallets. It’s very important that nothing else than the stripped carpet (and only carpet marked CircleBack) is put in the bags, as the separation plant can’t handle other materials. Any separate underlay should also be removed, including other materials such as concrete, wood etc.

    Ege CircleBack terms and conditions.

  • Is my carpet covered by the Ege CircleBack program?

    Our separation process requires specific conditions for the construction of the carpet to be met. Therefore, some changes had to be made before our carpets could enter the program. This is why only carpets produced after the cut-over date in mid-April 2023 are covered by Ege CircleBack. You can check your invoice to see if your carpet is part of the Ege program.

    The following carpets are part of the Ege CircleBack program:

    • Highline 910 WT
    • Highline 1100 WT
    • Eco Compact WT
    • Eco Pro WT
    • ReForm A New Wave WT
    • ReForm Construction WT
    • ReForm Heritage WT
    • ReForm Memory WT
    • ReForm Radiant WT
    • ReForm Transition WT
    • Grace
    • Lush

    Look for these logos on the carpet backing as a proof that the carpet is part of the Ege CircleBack program:

    R2R logo

  • Why can’t I return carpet with no “Ready for CircleBack” tags on it?

    Our separation process requires specific conditions for the construction of the carpet to be met. If these conditions aren’t met, we cannot guarantee that the materials in the carpet are separated correctly, which results in the material fractions not being suitable for recycling in the intended ways.

  • When will I be able to return carpet outside of Europe?

    We’re working on finding international recycling solutions for our carpets. In the meantime, we suggest that you look for local carpet recycling options if your carpet isn’t installed in Europe.

  • Can you take back other manufacture’s carpet?

    Our separation process requires specific conditions for the construction of the carpet to be met. Therefore, we’re unable to take back carpet from other suppliers.

  • Transportation – how to do?

    Transporting waste across borders is a very complicated task, so few companies have permission to do this. Using our selected waste handling company is a great solution.

    Please reach out to our CircleBack experts to start the process of recycling your carpet.

  • Didn’t you find an answer to your question?

    Contact your local salesperson or

Want to know more? Contact one
of our Ege CircleBack solution experts
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